Saturday, December 3, 2011

Beverly Hills to Texas-Really?

You may or may not be surprised at how many people asked us why we would ever leave California. How could we possibly move to Texas? What about the beach? What about the mountains? What about the arts and culture? (Yes we did have some) What about the diversity? (We have that in Texas too). Very few of our friends understood. The ones that did really got it. Leave the traffic, the smog, the miserable schools and the liberal govenment. Yes I will say it. It was not easy to be a conservative in LA.

We were lucky to have owned a home in Los Angeles. Not easy in that real estate market. We were lucky to be able to afford to send our son to private school. The public schools were pathetic. We were lucky to only drive and hour to work. My father drove 2 hours each way to work for years. We were lucky. And we were tired. We thought maybe, just maybe there is somewhere else we could live that might be better for us. There were after all 49 other states.

We never thought we would find ourselves in the south...